Hair Growth Mist
      • How long before I start to see results?
        You should start to see results within two weeks if you are applying the growth mist every day.
      • Can I use this product if I have hair extensions?
        Yes you sure can, just be sure to focus primarily on the application to your scalp.
      • What does this product actually do?
        This Hair Growth Mist promotes thicker and longer hair by delivering powerful active  ingredients to the roots of your hair which is perfect for thin or slow growing hair.
      • What other products will help with hair growth?
        Try using the Shutzy Circulation Boost Shampoo Bar, it will help increase the circulation in your scalp which in turn helps promote hair growth. 
      • Will it make my hair feel sticky?
        Not at all.
      • How long does a bottle last?
        If you're using it every day the bottle should last you between 4-6 weeks.

Hair Treatment Oil

      • Will this make my hair feel oily?
        No not at all, it will leave your hair feeling nourished and super smooth.
      • Are the capsules plastic?
        No, they are Biodegradable.
      • Are they safe to use on hair extensions?
        Yes they sure are.
      • How many capsules do I use?
        We recommend one capsule although if you have very long or very thick hair you may choose to use two capsules.
      • Are these safe to use for kids' hair?
        Yes these are excellent to use as a detangler.

Shampoo and Conditioner Bars

      • How long will the bar last?
        This varies depending on the quantity used, although we estimate between 30–40 applications.
      • How do I store my bar?
        Keep your bar’s away from as much moisture as possible as they like to dry out in between uses.
      • Can you use this on dyed or treated hair?
      • Can I use these if I have hair extensions?

Vita Patches

    • Are these patches latex free?
    • How long do I leave the patch on for?
      You can leave the patch on for in-between 8-12 hours.  
    • How does a transdermal patch work?
      Transdermal technology means the vitamins are delivered through your skin slowly over a period of time.
    • Can I use multiple patches?
      Yes you can use more than one patch at a time.